Military Leaves And Passes Ar 600-8-10

Military leaves and passes ar 600-8-10 are an essential part of military life, providing service members with the opportunity to take time off from their duties for personal or family reasons. This regulation establishes the policies and procedures governing the granting of leaves and passes, ensuring that service members can take the necessary time off while maintaining the operational readiness of their units.

This comprehensive guide will provide an overview of AR 600-8-10, explaining its purpose, scope, and key provisions. We will also discuss the different types of leaves and passes available, the eligibility requirements, and the application process. Additionally, we will cover the procedures for requesting and approving leaves and passes, the duration and extensions of leaves and passes, and the responsibilities of soldiers on leave or pass.

1. Overview of AR 600-8-10

AR 600-8-10, Army Regulation 600-8-10, is the governing regulation for military leaves and passes. It establishes the policies and procedures for requesting, approving, and utilizing leaves and passes within the United States Army.

The regulation was first published in 1973 and has been updated several times since then. The current version of the regulation was published in 2023.

The key provisions of the regulation include:

  • The types of leaves and passes available to Soldiers
  • The eligibility requirements for each type of leave or pass
  • The procedures for requesting and approving leaves and passes
  • The duration and extensions of leaves and passes
  • The responsibilities of Soldiers on leave or pass
  • The resources available to Soldiers and families regarding leaves and passes

2. Types of Military Leaves and Passes

There are several different types of military leaves and passes available to Soldiers. The most common types of leaves are:

  • Ordinary leave (OL): OL is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers for personal reasons. OL can be taken for up to 30 days at a time.
  • Emergency leave (EML): EML is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers in the event of an emergency situation. EML can be taken for up to 30 days at a time.
  • Convalescent leave (CL): CL is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers who are recovering from an illness or injury. CL can be taken for up to 30 days at a time.
  • Terminal leave (TL): TL is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers who are separating from the Army. TL can be taken for up to 30 days at a time.

There are also several different types of passes available to Soldiers. The most common types of passes are:

  • Weekend pass: A weekend pass is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers for the weekend. Weekend passes can be taken for up to 72 hours at a time.
  • Day pass: A day pass is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers for a single day. Day passes can be taken for up to 24 hours at a time.
  • Liberty pass: A liberty pass is a period of authorized absence from duty that is granted to Soldiers for a period of time that is less than 72 hours but more than 24 hours. Liberty passes can be taken for up to 48 hours at a time.

3. Procedures for Requesting and Approving Leaves and Passes

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The procedures for requesting and approving leaves and passes vary depending on the type of leave or pass. However, the general steps are as follows:

  1. The Soldier submits a leave or pass request to their commander.
  2. The commander reviews the request and determines whether to approve or disapprove it.
  3. If the request is approved, the Soldier is issued a leave or pass order.
  4. The Soldier uses the leave or pass order to depart from and return to their duty station.

The roles and responsibilities of the various individuals involved in the process are as follows:

  • Soldier: The Soldier is responsible for submitting a leave or pass request to their commander.
  • Commander: The commander is responsible for reviewing the leave or pass request and determining whether to approve or disapprove it.
  • Leave or pass clerk: The leave or pass clerk is responsible for issuing leave or pass orders.

4. Duration and Extensions of Leaves and Passes

Military leaves and passes ar 600-8-10

The maximum duration of leaves and passes varies depending on the type of leave or pass. The maximum durations are as follows:

  • Ordinary leave (OL): 30 days
  • Emergency leave (EML): 30 days
  • Convalescent leave (CL): 30 days
  • Terminal leave (TL): 30 days
  • Weekend pass: 72 hours
  • Day pass: 24 hours
  • Liberty pass: 48 hours

Soldiers may request an extension of their leave or pass if they have a valid reason. The request must be submitted to the commander in writing. The commander will review the request and determine whether to approve or disapprove it.

5. Responsibilities of Soldiers on Leave or Pass: Military Leaves And Passes Ar 600-8-10

Soldiers on leave or pass are responsible for:

  • Conducting themselves in a manner that reflects credit on the Army
  • Obeying all laws and regulations
  • Returning to their duty station on time
  • Reporting any changes in their plans to their commander

Soldiers who violate the terms of their leave or pass may be subject to disciplinary action.

6. Resources for Soldiers and Families

Military leaves and passes ar 600-8-10

There are several resources available to Soldiers and families regarding leaves and passes. These resources include:

  • The Army OneSource website
  • The Military OneSource website
  • The American Red Cross
  • The USO

These resources can provide Soldiers and families with information on leaves and passes, as well as assistance with planning and arranging travel.

Query Resolution

What is the purpose of AR 600-8-10?

AR 600-8-10 establishes the policies and procedures governing the granting of leaves and passes to service members, ensuring that they can take the necessary time off while maintaining the operational readiness of their units.

What are the different types of leaves and passes available?

There are several different types of leaves and passes available, including ordinary leave, emergency leave, convalescent leave, permissive temporary duty (TDY), and special leave. Each type of leave or pass has its own eligibility requirements and application process.

How do I request a leave or pass?

To request a leave or pass, service members must submit a DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for Leave) to their commander. The commander will review the request and make a decision based on the service member’s eligibility and the operational needs of the unit.